usage: thanos sidecar [<flags>]
sidecar for Prometheus server
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try
--help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration.
See format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file with
tracing configuration. See format details:
Listen host:port for HTTP endpoints.
--http-grace-period=2m Time to wait after an interrupt received for
HTTP Server.
Listen ip:port address for gRPC endpoints
(StoreAPI). Make sure this address is routable
from other components.
--grpc-grace-period=2m Time to wait after an interrupt received for
GRPC Server.
--grpc-server-tls-cert="" TLS Certificate for gRPC server, leave blank to
disable TLS
--grpc-server-tls-key="" TLS Key for the gRPC server, leave blank to
disable TLS
TLS CA to verify clients against. If no client
CA is specified, there is no client
verification on server side. (tls.NoClientCert)
URL at which to reach Prometheus's API. For
better performance use local network.
Maximum time to wait for the Prometheus
instance to start up
Controls the http MaxIdleConns. Default is 0,
which is unlimited
Controls the http MaxIdleConnsPerHost
--tsdb.path="./data" Data directory of TSDB.
--reloader.config-file="" Config file watched by the reloader.
Output file for environment variable
substituted config file.
--reloader.rule-dir=RELOADER.RULE-DIR ...
Rule directories for the reloader to refresh
(repeated field).
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file that
contains object store configuration. See format
If true sidecar will try to upload compacted
blocks as well. Useful for migration purposes.
Works only if compaction is disabled on
Prometheus. Do it once and then disable the
flag when done.
Start of time range limit to serve. Thanos
sidecar will serve only metrics, which happened
later than this value. Option can be a constant
time in RFC3339 format or time duration
relative to current time, such as -1d or 2h45m.
Valid duration units are ms, s, m, h, d, w, y.